Friday, April 11, 2008

Dish DVR: What do you record?

Gotta love the Dish DVR! If you don't have one, now is the time. With DISH DVR Advantage, you get a free DVR and 200 channels for only $49.99. Installation is free and there is no activation fee (normally $49.99) when you sign a 24 month agreement. And trust me, you'll love the DVR for 24 months and beyond!

OK, here is my confession... I love American Idol! My kids and I tune in faithfully every Tuesday night (we don't really like the elimination show on Wednesday, though). With four kids, I'm constantly getting up to referee a feud or fix a snack or some other mama duty, so I can hit the pause button and get back to the show without missing anything. Then with all of the paused time, I can forward right through the commercials and get to the next performance. I think this is a great year. Go Brooke White! (We're really bummed that Michael Johns is gone.)

The other great use I've found for the DVR is to record kids' shows. My kids don't watch TV during the day, and there isn't really anything appropriate on at night for a 2 year old and a 4 year old. So, I record all the new episodes of Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go, and Sponge Bob (a favorite of the 10 year old), and voila, instant family friendly viewing for the evening.

Other than American Idol, I really like Donny Deutsch and the CNBC business documentaries. So you'll find those shows on my DVR as well. Quite an interesting combination of programming! Your turn... those of you who have DVRs, what will I find recorded on yours?

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